Singing Guide: Robyn Sherwell

Singing Guide: Robyn Sherwell

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Robyn Sherwell

Robyn Sherwell is an English Singer-Songwriter, born in Guernsey in 1987. She possesses a unique, haunting, high-pitched voice that can captivate and transport her listeners.

Vocal Technique Advice

  • When singing Robyn Sherwell style, it's important to keep your vocal cords relaxed to achieve clear, ethereal-sounding notes. Therefore, you need to focus on breathing from the diaphragm and engaging your core muscles.
  • Robyn sings with a lot of control and operates within a relatively narrow pitch range. Hence, you can master her technique by exercising vocal control with pitch accuracy exercises like the Pitch accuracy test and Pitch Training exercises.
  • To improve your singing skill, you need to perfect your breath control by practicing inhaling and exhaling through your nose and out of your mouth while maintaining core engagement. The Breathing basics article will help those looking to improve their breathing skill.
  • It's also essential to learn about the registers used by Robyn Sherwell's voice, namely the head voice, mixed register, and falsetto. To understand how these registers work, check out the Voice Registers & Vocal Break article.

Learning Robyn Sherwell Songs

To learn Robyn Sherwell songs, Singing Carrots offers a few tools and resources capable of helping you.

  • Song search helps discover songs that suit your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.
  • Vocal range test helps map your vocal range compared to Robyn Sherwell's. Therefore, helping you to know which section of her unique vocal technique you should focus on.
  • Song-book offers you linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio, easing your learning process.

Robyn Sherwell's Unique Vocal Technique and Songs Showcasing It.

  • One of Robyn Sherwell's unique vocal techniques is her ability to sing with a quiet and soothing tone that manages to draw her listeners closer. Listen to her song "Heart" from the album "Robyn Sherwell," and you'll understand how she draws listeners in with her voice.
  • Sherwell's song, "Pale Lung," demonstrates how she uses her singing volume to create the mood of the song. When conveying a powerful message like the one in this song, her voice begins on a subdued, almost whispered note. Then, in the song's choruses, her voice becomes more powerful as she belts out the message with passion and conviction.
  • "Islander" is another Robyn Sherwell song with a unique vocal technique. The way she sings the line, "Reaching every corner," creates an enchanting pull that sends chills down the spine of listeners.


With some focus and hard work, anyone can learn to sing like Robyn Sherwell. To develop her unique vocal technique, one must begin by mastering breath control, learning about vocal registers, and practicing pitch accuracy exercises. Furthermore, Singing Carrots' tools and resources can help you learn Robyn Sherwell songs.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.